1. Umpires are to be compensated $35 from each team immediately following the game ($70 total).
  2. Umpires have the right to warn and/or eject any player from a game due to bad behavior, dirty play, aggression and/or fighting.
  3. Managers and players must treat umpires respectfully. Disagreements should be handled in a manner that avoids cursing, intimidation, or aggression.
  4. In the event of a conflict, managers and umpires will need to confer with each other. It is the responsibility of each manager to take control of his/her team.
  5. If any manager feels that an ump is either difficult or not performing their duties effectively, then they may contact the Commissioner(s) to make them aware of the situation. Please write a detailed email explaining the situation, so that it may be resolved with the umpire. Send the email to: mccarrensoftballnyc@gmail.com
  6. Only managers are to stop game play to question, discuss or call counsel before, during or after a game. Any player(s) not following this rule could be subject to ejection, suspension, and/or banned from the league. TEAMS who disregard the rule could be subject to game forfeit and/or banning from the league.
  7. Using racial slurs, homophobic slurs or threats are all causes for immediate ejection. An ejected player will be required to leave the park. We cannot risk losing our permits over someone getting physically or emotionally abusive while playing softball. Managers who do not or cannot make their players leave the park after an ejection will forfeit the game.
  8. Appeals should be submitted to mccarrensoftballnyc@gmail.com at least 48 hours after the game has ended (Monday at 8pm). All appeals will be reviewed by the Commissioner and Head Umpire. The appealing team MUST have the umpire from the game sign the book stating your intention to appeal the game.

+ Equipment

  1. Metal spikes or cleats are not permitted. Only molded rubber cleats or sneakers are allowed. A player wearing metal spikes may not play at all.
  2. Each team must bring at least one new DeBeer F12 Clincher softball to each game. A new ball will be put in play in the top of the 1st inning and the bottom of the 5th inning.
  3. Each team MUST have a scorebook or score sheet to track the game they are playing in.
  4. Beginning with the 2023 season, the league will adopt new regulations for acceptable softball bats used in competition:
  • Male players will only be allowed to swing metal alloy (aluminum/steel) or wood barreled softball bats. Composite and Titanium barreled bats will not be allowed for men to bring into play. Composite handled bats, with metal alloy or wood barrels, will be allowed.
  • Women may use any softball bat they choose, composite or otherwise.
  • Any enhanced, altered or “doctored” bats will not be allowed. Any player found to bring an altered bat into play will be ejected from the game and subject to league suspension.
  • Any composite or titanium bat utilized in a game will be subject to “tagging” with painter’s tape to clearly differentiate them to the umpire.
  • If you have a question about bat compliance, please email the league Commissioner(s) for a ruling at: mccarrensoftballnyc@gmail.com
  1. Returning Equipment to the Shed: After the final game of the day, the home team on each field is responsible for gathering up the bases/home plates/pitching rubbers/chalker/rakes/etc. and returning all of them to the shed behind the Turkey’s Nest. Managers will have the combination for the lock on the gate.
  • Teams not returning ALL equipment after games could be subject to a fine and/or cost of the equipment.

+ Pitching

  1. The MSSL Strike Zone is determined by a pitch that crosses over the plate in the hitter’s strike zone with a minimum arc of 5’ and a maximum arc of 8’. The hitter’s strike zone is determined from the front shoulder to the back knee, relative to the area over the plate. A strike must pass through the zone created by those dimensions, relative to the batter.
  2. The pitcher must start facing home plate, with at least one foot on the “rubber” or place designated as pitching area. When the batter is ready, the pitch must be delivered in one continuous underhand forward motion. Prior to forward motion, or if the pitcher freezes or pauses, the batter has the right to call for a timeout. The umpire, however, must grant this request. The batter must ask for “TIME” loudly and clearly enough for the ump to consider it. The pitcher may take one step toward home plate only.
  • An Illegal Pitch is defined by a flat & fast pitch is a pitch that does NOT have a “bump” or “arc” as it travels to home plate, as defined by above. The umpire will call a pitch illegal if they determine there was intent to deceive the batter with the pitch; otherwise, the pitch may simply be called a “ball”. b) If a pitcher pauses, stutters or freezes after their FORWARD MOTION has begun, this is also considered an illegal pitch.
  1. There is a “three strike” policy for pitchers who violate the “illegal” pitching rules. On the third violation, the player may no longer pitch. The player is not ejected from the game, they are just no longer eligible to pitch for the remainder of the contest. A pitch called “flat” by the ump does not mean it is illegal, only that it does not meet the minimum arc requirement.
  • If the pitcher delivers an illegal pitch, it is the responsibility of the umpire to clearly announce “illegal” and declare a dead ball. The play is dead no matter if the batter gets a single, a home run or swings and misses. The pitch is called a ball and the pitcher is given a warning. This is counted as a violation.
  1. Pitchers may throw knuckle balls, spinning balls or backhanded pitches. It is illegal to throw a ball that contains any foreign substances, including clumps of dirt, on the surface of the ball.


  1. This league operates with a standard count of 4 balls and 3 strikes.
  • A batter gets three strikes before they are called out. Once a batter has 2 strikes, any 3rd swing (that does not result in a fair ball in play) will result in the batter being called out. A batter may also strike out looking at a 3rd strike.
  • Four called balls, before receiving 3 strikes, is a walk.
  • Sunset Rule: In the case of impending darkness, the umpire may request that that the teams move to begin each at bat with a 1-1 count. In this scenario, the batter will be granted a courtesy foul when they have reached 2 strikes. (Example: The first pitch in the AB results in a called strike, which brings the count to 1-2. A batter may then foul off another pitch and still be granted an additional strike. Any following foul or strike call will result in an out.)
  1. If ANY batter walks on four straight balls immediately before a female batter, that batter automatically advances to second base and the following female batter can chose to receive an intentional walk or take their scheduled at-bat.
  2. There are NO courtesy runners allowed from home plate. The batter MUST make it to first base (or 2nd, 3rd) before he/she may be awarded a courtesy runner.
  3. Only 3 courtesy runners are allowed per game. No exceptions. They should be announced prior to the start of the game.
  4. The last batted out is the default courtesy runner. If the last batted out also has a courtesy runner, then it’s the last batted out before that player. If a team has a player who is not currently active in the game, they may be designated as a courtesy runner. The courtesy runner must be of the same gender as the runner they are replacing. If this is not an option, the opposing team is given the option to choose the courtesy runner from the active participants on the other team.
  5. Bunting or “chopping” of any kind is not permitted. Any attempted bunt, half swing, or chop, intended to cause the effect of a bunt or a chop, will result in an automatic out. Runners may not advance.

+ base running

  1. Safety First: The primary goal on the base path is to avoid dangerous collisions between runners and fielders.
  2. Runners must stay put on their occupied bag until the ball is hit. This means the batter must make contact with the ball before the runner can advance from the base. If a runner leaves early and the batter did NOT swing, then the runner is given a warning. If the runner does it again, the runner is called out.
  3. Double bases will be used at first base. The orange base (or the base in foul territory) is designated as the “runner’s base” and the white base (or the base in fair territory) is designated as the “fielder’s base”.
  4. If there is to be a play at first base, as the batter is running from home to 1B, the batter MUST step on the runner’s (orange) base and the first baseman must step on the fielder’s (white) base. Only when the batter is rounding first base or going for multiple bases should they utilize the white base
  5. If the first baseman mistakenly steps on the runner’s (orange) base, when attempting a force play, they must establish contact with the fielder’s (white) base before the batter reaches the bag or the runner is safe.
  6. If the first baseman obstructs the batter running down the line without the ball, the batter is awarded first base.
  7. On a hit ball, when there is clearly no play at first base, the first baseman must allow the runner the opportunity to round the base and run for extra bases. It is the responsibility of the first baseman to clear themselves from the runner’s established path. Collisions or obstructions, which result from the first baseman failing to clear the way for the runner when there is no play at first base, will be considered a delayed dead ball and may result in the umpire awarding extra bases to the runner.
  8. A base runner heading to first base must run in the runner’s lane on the foul side of the first base line. A base runner, who runs on the infield side of the line and prevents the first baseman (or any other player) from fielding or throwing to the first base position, is automatically out.
  9. After passing first base, the runner may turn their body right towards foul territory or left towards fair territory and they may not be considered “live.” It is only when the runner makes an attempt to advance that they will be considered “live” and may be tagged out. Intent is up to the umpire’s discretion.
  10. If any fielder NOT in the act of fielding is determined to have obstructed the base path in a manner that causes a collision or impedes the runner’s progress around the bases, then the umpire should signal a delayed dead ball. After the play is completed, the umpire will award the runner as many bases as they determine were impeded.
  11. If a runner on the base path collides with a fielder who is in the act of fielding, preventing them from completing the play, then the runner is ruled out.
  12. If a runner aggressively or purposefully initiates contact, collides, slides with cleats up or intends to injure a fielder, then that runner is called OUT and immediately ejected from the game.
  13. Runners are strongly encouraged to slide on close plays to avoid violent collisions, but sliding is not mandatory. A base runner who chooses not to slide on a close play MUST ease gently into the base standing up or avoid contact with the fielder by going around them without making contact. A runner, who goes into a base standing up and collides with the fielder, will be ruled out. If the umpire determines the collision was deliberate, the runner may be ejected from the game.
  14. Runners may not hold, hug, slap the ball away or obstruct the fielder from making a play. If an umpire determines these actions were deliberate, the runner be called out. Umpires will determine where to place any other baserunner involved in the play who may have benefitted from such actions.
  15. A player who is forced out should peel out of the baseline, slide, duck or get out of the way of the fielder and/or any further plays before time is called. A runner is not allowed to stand in the base path, wave arms, run into the fielder or interfere with a thrown ball. If the player has been determined to violate these rules, the player is out. In the case of a potential double play, the umpire may determine if the interference impeded the defense from completing the play. The umpire can then rule that the batter is also out, based on the runner interference.
  16. Safety is of crucial importance around home plate. Controlled, feet-first sliding on close plays is strongly encouraged. Sliding is recommended, but not mandatory. Avoiding collisions is MANDATORY. Typically, the on-deck batter has the responsibility to let the runner know whether or not to slide. Teams are encouraged to educate their players to use this system.
  17. Ideally a runner should slide to avoid a collision. If the runner does not slide, he or she must ease into home plate (or avoid contact with the player covering home) or they will be automatically called out.
  18. If there is NO play at home plate and the catcher (or another fielder) is standing on home plate and/or in the base path without the ball, then the runner is awarded the vicinity around home plate and may be called safe. The runner is not required to touch the plate in this instance. Keep in mind this is when there is NO play at home plate. This is in effort to avoid injury. The runner should never barrel into the catcher or other fielders, if they are in the way.
  19. Once a runner has scored, it is their responsibility to clear the area. They must allow the defense the opportunity to make a play at home, if another runner is attempting to score. If runners are conglomerating around home plate and have obstructed the fielder from making a play at the plate, then the runner attempting to score may be called out due to interference.
  20. If a runner in fair territory on the base paths (or standing on a base) is hit by a batted ball, the runner is out and the play is dead. The batter will be awarded first base. Runners will only advance, if forced to.
  21. If a runner is hit with a batted ball while in foul territory, they are not out and the ball will be ruled “foul” by the umpire.
  22. If a base runner goes into a base and the bag slips, slides away or is dragged off its spot, then then the runner will be called safe as long as the runner returns to the general vicinity of where the base SHOULD BE before being tagged. This call is up to the umpire’s discretion.
  23. There can be a maximum of two first base coaches and two third base coaches. Umpires may request that any additional players/spectators remove themselves from the area. The umpire may also give an official warning when there are too many players gathered down the first or third base lines, after the 1st unofficial request. A 2nd official warning may result in the current batter being called out or awarded 1st base, depending on the team committing the infraction.
  24. If a player is attempting to make a play on a ball in foul territory and they are purposefully obstructed by an opposing player, fan, spectator, then the ump may determine that the batter is ruled out.

+ fielding

  1. Teams may have a maximum of 10 fielders, 2 of which must be women.
  2. If a team fields less than 10 players (9, 8) there must be at least 1 woman in the field and a catcher. A team cannot play with zero women.
  3. Lady Line: The outfielders must play no more shallow than 100 feet (160 feet from home) beyond 1st and 3rd base and 90 feet (175 feet from home) beyond second base. If they are ruled to be too close, the umpire must order the outfielders to play further back to accommodate the rule. Opposing managers also have the right to request the umpires move outfielders back, should they not be in compliance. a) Outfielders cannot creep past (or charge) when the ball is pitched to a female batter. Forward movement is allowed on the swing or hit. The umpire may warn the outfielders and the managers of this. After multiple warnings, it is up to the umpire’s discretion to award the batting woman first base regardless of outcome of their at-bat.
  4. On plays at home plate, the fielder taking the throw should be positioned to the side of home plate in fair territory. They must allow the runner a clear lane to the plate. The fielder must NOT stand on top of home plate or in the base path to make a play. The fielding team should have no more than 2 players near home plate. The fielder backing up the play should be standing near the backstop.
  5. If the fielding team has a conglomeration of fielders in the vicinity of home plate, which prevents the runner from having a clear path to score, then the runner may be ruled safe by the umpire.
  6. Infield Fly Rule: An infield fly is a fair fly ball on the infield (not including a line drive) or in the shallow outfield, which can be caught with ordinary effort. An infield fly is only called when runners occupy first base and second base (or bases are loaded) and when there are less than two outs. The fielder should be quickly considered to be able to field the fly ball with ordinary effort for an infield fly to be called. The umpire shall then declare “Infield Fly” loudly enough for all runners/ fielders to hear and the batter is declared out. The runners may advance via “tag up” after the ball is caught and do so at their own risk.
  7. Fake and/or “phantom” tags are strictly prohibited. If a fielder does a fake tag, they are immediately given a warning. On the next offense, the runner is given the next base and the fielder is ejected from the game. This is a dangerous play and will not be tolerated.
  8. Fielders may ONLY request timeout and will ONLY be granted a timeout, when a fielder has control of the ball and is in the infield area. A player in the outfield with or without the ball, cannot be granted timeout. The ball must be in the infield and in the possession of a fielder. Timeout should only be granted when runners are on their base, stopped between bases or retreating safely to their base. If runners are moving forward, in a run-down, or advancing; timeout should NOT be granted until the runners have retreated or advanced to their respective bases. A runner must decide to retreat or advance once the ball is in the hands of the pitcher (near the pitching area) and time has been called. If they do not, time will be granted.

+ fair/foul

  1. Everything within the foul lines is in play. If a batted ball hits any object/person in play and remains playable, fielders must play the ball accordingly.
  2. If a ball hit into fair territory is picked up, thrown, or intentionally deflected by a bystander (or if a ball becomes completely impossible to play as a result of some impediment or obstruction), then a delayed dead ball should be indicated. Play should continue until completion. It is then up to the umpire’s discretion the number of bases awarded by any runners involved in the play.
  3. If a batted ball hits a light pole, tree, bench or other large obstruction beyond the dugout fences AND is caught by a fielder before hitting the ground, then the batter is out. If a ball hits a player from the opposing field or spectator/passerby, it may not be caught for an out.
  4. If a ball is overthrown by a fielder to the area extending beyond the dugout fences or behind the backstop, all runners on the base paths may advance at their own risk for a maximum of one base beyond the base toward which they were running when the throw was initiated. The ball is not considered dead, so the base is not awarded automatically.

+ lineups

  1. If requested, teams must trade line-ups before the start of their games. No questions asked.
  2. A team may use a 10/11/12 player line-up or a 13-player line-up. In a 10, 11 or 12 player line-up, at least 2 of those players MUST be women. Example: 10 men, 2 women. A team may ALSO use a 13-player line up, but ONLY if they bat 3 women. Example: 10 guys and 3 women = 13 players. 2 women must still play in the field.
  3. If a team can only field 8 or 9 players:
  • If a team can only field 8 or 9 players and only 1 woman, then 1 automatic out will be assessed in the 9th or 10th spot in the lineup. If playing 7 men and 1 woman, the lineup is allowed to be shortened to 9 without additional penalty.
  • If a team has 8 or 9 players and 2 are women, there will be no automatic outs issued. If playing 6 or 7 men and 2 women, the lineup is allowed to be shortened to 8 or 9 without penalty.
  1. A team with only 7 players must forfeit the game by a score of 10-0.
  2. After a team completes their lineup once, that lineup is SET. The team may add in players to fill any automatic out slots at any point throughout the game, but may not add extra hitters.
  3. A team that cannot field 1 woman forfeits by a score of 10-0.
  4. The umpire will award a forfeit at 30 minutes after the scheduled start time (generally 4:30pm or 6:30pm), if a team does not meet the minimum lineup requirements. That team will forfeit by a score of 10-0.
  5. Use of a Designated Hitter (DH) is permitted in this league.
  • A DH can be used for any position player and in any lineup position.
  • Once established, the fielder being DHed for may be replaced in the field by another player without replacing the DH that is batting in that lineup position.
  • If a position player is receiving a DH, they must remain in the field for the entirety of the game. They cannot rotate out for an EH. If they vacate the defense, they are out of the game. No re-entry is allowed. d) A DH must be of the same sex as the position player they are designated for. e) Once a DH is replaced in the lineup, the team may no longer utilize the DH rule. The player who was being DHed for is also removed from the game. The player replacing the DH is now the only player of record in that lineup position.
  1. Any Extra Hitter (EH) in the lineup may also play the field.
  2. Pinch hitters are allowed, however, only women batters can pinch hit for women. Men or women can pinch hit for a male batter.
  3. There is no re-entry allowed for male players. A female player can re-enter into the lineup in the original slot they were in (i.e., 2 women may rotate in the lineup and field as many times as they wish.)
  • Equal Time Rule: In the case that a team wishes to have 3 women rotate equal time (6 innings each) in 2 lineup spots, they may do so in this fashion. Player 1 will play innings 1-6 in lineup position 1. Player 2 will play innings 1-3 in lineup position 2 and innings 7-9 in lineup position 1. Player 3 will play innings 4-9 in lineup position 2.
  1. If a team is subbing in a hitter or fielder, it must be announced to the umpire and opposing manager.
  2. Managers will be responsible for taking a picture of their opponent’s scorebook at the end of the game. They will email those pictures to the league at: mccarrensoftballnyc@gmail.com
  • It is the manager’s responsibility to ensure the opponent takes a picture of their score sheet at the end of every game and sends it in. The league would suggest the manager also take a picture of their scorebook at the same time, so there is a potential backup. b) It is each manager’s responsibility to use legible handwriting in their scorebooks. If the league cannot read the writing, then your team is in danger of having player(s) lose playoff eligibility due to poor penmanship. c) If a team does not score the game with a score book or score sheet, then that team is in danger of having players lose playoff eligibility. d) Player names must be established clearly. If your team has 2 or more players with the same first name, then some other modifier must be utilized (last name, initial, nickname).

+ guest players

  1. Teams may recruit guest players in order to avoid forfeiting or avoid playing with less than 10 players.
  • If a team has zero women, then the first two guest players they pick up must be women.
  • If a team has one woman, then the first player they pick up must be a woman.
  • If a team has two women, they can pick up enough male or female players to make it to 10 total, but ONLY if the team already has two women.
  • A team with 10 players (8 men, 2 women) cannot pick up any additional players.
  1. Managers recruiting “guests” will need to get them approved to play by the opposing manager. Harassment from the team that is short players, due to the opposing manager not approving the guest, is NOT permitted.
  2. Guest players must bat at the end of the lineup and play catcher or a position pre-approved by the opposing manager. No questions asked.
  3. Picking up guest players is not the solution to attendance problems. Our teams and players pay a fee to the MSSL in order to play games. When opposing teams do not have enough players to field teams, this means people who have come to play are not being compensated for their league dues.
  • Any team that forfeits a game will get a warning from the league.
  • A 2nd forfeit will result in the team not being asked back into the MSSL for the following season.
  • There are thousands of individuals in NYC who want to play softball and the MSSL is one of the most popular leagues in the city. There is no excuse for consistently not having enough players.


  1. Roster Size: There is a 25 player maximum playoff-eligible roster.
  2. Rosters MUST be submitted on Week 1 of the season and again on Week 10 to the league at: mccarrensoftballnyc@gmail.com
  3. Only rostered players may participate in MSSL games. No exceptions.
  • Players must be added to the roster by the Friday prior to game day to play.
  1. Men must appear in at least 8 games and women must appear in 6 games to be playoff eligible.
  • The league may make exceptions for injuries. Any such injury must be brought to the league as soon as the injury occurs. The injured player must play at least 4 games with the requesting team to be CONSIDERED for an exception.
  1. Players are allowed to leave one team and join another at any time during the season. A player switching teams can qualify for the playoffs, if they play in a minimum of 5 games for the team they switch to. That player must meet the league requirement of 8 or 6 games for the entire season between both teams.
  2. If a player is removed from your roster, they may not be added back in the same season.

+ schedule

  1. Regular Season Schedule will be posted on the league website: mccarrensoftballnyc.com
  2. Each team will have 4 bye weeks throughout the season. Every team will play all the other teams at least once.
  3. The Commissioner will do their best to work with all teams to ensure everyone is treated fairly.
  4. In the event of weather/circumstance that stops a game, we will use the MLB Rule to determine an “official game”. Essentially, the home team needs to have 5 at-bats for the game to be considered official. If the home team is winning before or during the bottom of the 5th, the game is official. If the away team is leading after 5 innings, the game is considered official.
  5. In the event that something stops a game after it has begun, but it has yet to complete 5 innings, the teams will pick up from where the game left off at a later date.

+ playoffs

  1. Teams are ranked/seeded for the playoffs by regular season winning percentage. Identical records will be settled by the following criteria: total runs allowed, head-to-head wins, or (lastly) a coin flip.

All teams must have 10 games in order to participate in the playoffs.

  1. The top 8 teams make it to the playoffs, bottom 2 teams do not advance to the playoffs.
  2. Playoffs will begin on 9/7, semifinals will be on 9/14 and the championship game will be played on 9/21.
  3. Two umps will officiate for semi-finals and championship games.
  4. The higher ranked seed in the playoffs is always deemed the home team.

+ Before, During, and After The Game

  1. Everyone involved with the league is expected to behave with respect toward each other and others around the park. Show good sportsmanship. Disagreements and arguments are bound to happen. Foul, abusive or threatening language directed at anyone (umpires, opponents, teammates or spectators) is totally unacceptable. Throwing of equipment, primarily bats, is strictly prohibited. Putting other players in danger is absolutely against the rules. There is no warning for throwing bats and the player in question may be immediately ejected from the game.
  2. An umpire can eject from the game a person who continually violates the code of behavior or plays in a manner that is a danger to other players and spectators. A person ejected from the game must leave the park. Not doing so will result in the team forfeiting the game with a score of 10-0. Remember that such behavior puts the MSSL park permits in jeopardy.
  3. To keep in good standing with the Parks Department, we need to keep the fields and surrounding areas clean. As permit holders, we are responsible for maintaining a clean environment and leaving the field trash free at the end of the day.

+ The Golden (Rules)

  1. This league is and always has been recreational and inclusive. Be fair. Be mindful. Be courteous. Be inclusive. Teams are encouraged to invite their opponent out for drinks after each game.
  2. Play ball.